When I decided to write a book I thought that I would write it, publish it and people would buy it. I had no clue about everything else that was involved. In fact I never really gave it any thought at all. I didn’t realize that I was becoming my own publisher and that I would do everything a publisher did.
Here are 10 things I didn’t know before becoming a published author:
1. Marketing
If you want to sell any copies of your book you will need to do some marketing. Marketing can come in the form of social media, blog posts or even advertising. Regardless of what you do you will need to market your book to sell any copies.
2. Being Seen
When you write a book you are putting yourself out there for others to view and tell you what they think. It’s very personal. Not all people are going to like what you wrote and the ones who don’t won’t hesitate to tell you!
3. Virtual Book Tours
When I first published my book I had no clue that virtual book tours even existed or that I would be participating in one. It is amazing what you can do today with technology.
4. Advertising
Advertising my book wasn’t something that I thought I would ever have to do, I just thought I would write it and people would by it. That is true to a degree but if I want to make my book successful then it is something I need to do.
5. Author Groups
I didn’t realize how important it is to network with other authors to see what they do and how they do it. Finding out what other authors are doing to be successful is as important, if not more so, than having a book out. Also getting feedback from each other is invaluable!
6. Reviews
Getting reviews for your book is really important. People put a lot of credence on what others say. Asking family and friends is great, but getting fair and balanced reviews, not just 5 stars, is what future buyers are truly looking for.
7. Promotions
So far everything that I’ve talked about is promoting your book but by this I mean special promotions such as offering your book for free. Certain outlets will allow you to do free promotions for example Amazon Kindle offers the ability to schedule free promotions under their KDP Select program. Although it comes with some strings, such as not being able to publish your book anywhere else for 90 days, it is a great way to get your book out to a large audience quickly.
8. Covers
Covers are the first thing that catches the eye of the buyer if they don’t like it they won’t buy. Making sure to get feedback and even having a professional cover designed is very important. Don’t skimp on it.
9. Titles
Putting a clear, catchy title is almost as important as the book cover. Don’t just pick something but make sure to ask other authors what they think. Get feedback, you’d be surprised what people might think. I know I did. I went back multiple times with my titles and to be honest none of my titles are what my first thought was.
10. Different Options
When I first wrote my book I only thought about doing an online version but there are so many other options available and it’s great to take advantage of as many as you can. My books are currently available on Kindle and I just made them available in an audio version. I can’t wait to make them available in print!
11. Formatting
I never, ever thought of formatting for all of the different places to publish. It is still not my favorite and there is a big learning curve. But once you got it you are good to go.
I hope that my experience has helped to shed some light on things that you must do when you choose to become a published author. There is a lot to learn but it is definitely worth it.
Happy writing and much success!

Two books in one! This book combines “The Secret To Getting Your Dog To Do What You Want” and “Teach Your Dog To Pee and Poop Outside: House training Made Easy”.
The Secret To Getting Your Dog To Do What You Want
With so much information available today, training your dog can become confusing. Trying to understand exactly what is meant by a “reward” or “reinforcement” and how to use it properly can be frustrating to say the least.
Once you understand what defines a reward, why they are important and how to use them effectively only then will you have the secret to getting your dog to do what you want.
- Does your dog get crazy when it’s time to go out?
- Does getting their leash on take forever and a day?
- What about their food?
- Are they calm or crazy?
Jenna shares with you a simple training exercise that will forever change what it’s like to go out or getting their dinner ready. By using their desire to get what they want you can get them to do what you want! Calm and relaxed is the name of the game!
Once you’ve learned this simple exercise make sure that you apply it to every routine or behavior you want to change.
Teach Your Dog To Pee and Poop Outside: Housetraining Made Easy
Once you’ve learned this simple exercise make sure that you apply it to every routine or behavior you want to change.
Teach Your Dog To Pee and Poop Outside: Housetraining Made Easy
- New puppy?
- New Dog?
- Trouble with an older dog peeing and pooping in the house?
- Multiple dog household that just seems to be out of control?
In this book you will learn:
- Why an instinct that your dog possesses could sabotage your efforts if you’re not using it to your advantage.
- How to know your dog has to go BEFORE they go.
- The different reasons people fail.
- A step by step example of what a successful potty routine should look like.
- An example of a schedule.
- How to put peeing and pooping on cue.
This proven method of training will get you a housetrained dog, at any age in 30 days or less.
Jenna has put the program that she has used, not just with her dogs, but also with her clients, in writing just for you. This program is fail proof if you are committed to the end result of having a housetrained dog.
Jenna has put the program that she has used, not just with her dogs, but also with her clients, in writing just for you. This program is fail proof if you are committed to the end result of having a housetrained dog.
Buy Now @ Amazon
Genre - Dog Training, Animals
Rating – G
More details about the author
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